The H. Ashton Marsh Elementary School serves the children of Absecon in grades Pre- Kindergarten through fourth. We house seven New Jersey certified preschool classrooms. These classrooms use the Creative Curriculum and are assessed through Teaching Strategies GOLD, as is the Kindergarten. The Kindergarten through fourth-grade curriculum focuses on reading, writing, mathematics, social studies, and science. Our constant focus on literacy has allowed us to implement a balanced literacy program, which is uniform and progressive throughout all grade levels based on the New Jersey Student Learning Standards. The Fountas and Pinnell Reading Assessment is also implemented to focus on an individual's reading and instructional levels more accurately. Students are immersed in writing through the execution of The Writer's Workshop. It is a part of each student's schedule every day. Marsh utilizes the most current and valid techniques to deliver on this level of instruction. The Phonics First program is also employed by classroom teachers from Kindergarten through second grade. We house an I&RS/RTI and P.I.R.T. committee to aid student achievement.
Special area subjects such as visual and performing arts, music, STARS Reading/book exchange, and physical education are part of our comprehensive educational program. Chorus and instrumental music instruction is offered after school for fourth graders. An intervention program for math and language arts is provided to eligible students, and speech services are available based on students' individual needs as deemed by our Child Study Team. An English Language Learner (E.L.L.) program assists students who require these services. Students are offered a gifted and talented based on specific criteria.
Our school philosophy is that learning activities should be individual and cooperative to accommodate all types of learners. They are designed to encourage problem-solving and the sharing of ideas and experiences. We are heavily steeped in the concept of S.T.E.A.M. This is evident through our utilization of technology and differentiated instruction in the various programs presented throughout the year. Our STEAM program allows all students in grades three and four to explore the concept year-round. The presence of technology throughout the school, including Ipads and Kindles, interactive displays, and the 1:1 Student Chrome Book program, encourages students to look beyond what is obvious and explore. We also house at every grade level, K-4, a sound amplification system to aid those with specific processing issues. Throughout the school year, musical concerts, class trips, community-based presentations, International Day, Author's Day, Movie Night, and other programs provide students a broad experiential base to build on that is fun and meaningful.
The educational mission of our school focuses on a teaching-learning environment that is child-centered and provides for active student involvement in learning and thinking. In addition to regular classroom learning activities, the students participate in a Character Education program (Let's Connect) that helps students to care about and act upon core ethical values. The Character Counts program incorporates the "Six Pillars" of character. Trustworthiness, respect, kindness, responsibility, caring, and citizenship are intertwined into daily school life as we reach out to others in our school and community. Peer mediation and group and individual counseling are provided to assist our children and families. Many student-centered projects are done for and with the surrounding community of Absecon.
A strong and active Parent Teacher Organization (P.T.O.) offers assistance to school programs and the many dedicated professional staff members at Marsh. The Absecon Education Foundation also helps expand and enhance our district's mission.